the hosting of

Oh boy, something out of my control happened!

So, what happened, what has been going on and what in the world am i going to do about it?

chicken nugget

So firstly, replit hosting now costs money.  unfortunately,  that's excactly where is hosted and downloaded from every time you start the game. is a file that contains all the images, sounds, and important data that the game needs to run at all. even though the code already broke, you aren't even able to get to the title screen now! What a shame. while i have added caching into the latest version, that still doesn't help that i haven't released it and the hosting needs to be back up to run at all. 0.4.0 is coming, but y'know, t h e o t h e r p r o b l e m, the one where you cant even get to it which, i can have it, you can download it from replit, bbut it still doesn't change the fact that the file isnt hosted... so 0.4.0 is going to be pointing to a new place in the internet: also 0.4.0 is almost done i think. bugs are fixed, stuff is added, and warning, it's quite the update compared to the others =)


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yk I have been trying to figure out how to make a full on desktop port of this that works offline but idk what I am doing

ur gonna need v8 engine or chromium or something + a local server to point the game to ++ tip: the pointer for the game files is located in script.js > assetpointer